Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Journey Home

So a month ago, I bought a plane ticket from Da Nang to Saigon and they told me for $10 more, I could fly business class. Let me tell you that it was INCREDIBLE! But I also felt like a gigantic poser. Here I was, smelling like drool and baby wee, sitting in my jeans and t-shirt, and getting served finger sandwiches and sparkling juice. The flight attendant put the napkin over my lap... which is really, freaking awkward. Then I went to my hotel, which was extremely posh, and continued to feel VERY out of place! I ended up watching Harry Potter on HBO, ordered in a bowl of Pho with a side of fries (how's that for Asian fusion?), and didn't leaving my room.

It was 24 hours from the first takeoff to the last airplane touchdown. That is a LOT of flying, traveling, being elbowed by the giant-shouldered man that I was lucky enough to sit next to between San Fran and Newark, etc. So I get off the plane and walk down the corrider to see my BEAUTIFUL husband and family waiting for me with a giant sign that says, "Do you still remember me, Miss?" in Vietnamese :) And Chris even drew a picture of me with a conical hat on:) Ladies, I've got the best husband in the world, I don't care what the rest of you think! :) Just kidding, I know that we all think we have the best husbands (I'm just the only one that's right) :) JUST KIDDING AGAIN!!!

Anyways, it's wonderful to be home, but I miss Vietnam so much. I bought a coffee the other day for $1.90. In Vietnam, that could have bought me a coffee, a full entree, and a water buffalo. Today, I bought a salad for $8!!! Just imagine what that buys you in Vietnam!!! I'm also FREEZING! I know everyone is loving the 80-something weather we're having... I was running yesterday with a long sleeve thermal shirt on and then had to turn the heat on when I got back to my friend Sally's! I think I also have a cold! I'm thirstier here than I was in Vietnam, and I think it has something to do with how dry it is here. On the news today, the weather lady was talking about a spike in the humidity level with temperatures reaching 88 and I was CHEERING! Holy cow... I know this may come as a shock... but I think I'm Vietnamese!!!

Isn't it always the way... The whole time that I was in Vietnam, I felt like an American. And now that I'm home, I feel Vietnamese:) Well, that's not entirely true, I still feel pretty American, which would explain my urge to kiss the Customs official when I cleared San Fran without him asking me for a bribe or implying that I was being monitored by a government agency. I prefer to be monitored without knowing it - God bless the United States:)

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